Monday, April 04, 2005

Nevis Celebrates Second Anniversary!

Nevis Networks grew to be a 2 year old startup on 2nd April '05. We had a small celebration (of course it had to be small, we don' t want people to get into party mood and be that way for rest of the week, and yes, we want to save every possible penny we can ;-) )! Cutting the cakes, followed by snacks and then group photos. Here's my team. And if you are wondering why on earth am I holding my right hand back, then you guessed it right, I'm holding snacks which I am trying to hide ;-)

I'm resting my hands on Nikunj's shoulders, to his left is Archana followed by Sweta. And the taller of guys between Nik and Archie is Boney.

1 comment:

nik said...

Hmmm. And you forgot to describe the superb shadow effect on the rear-wall and whiteboard :-)