Hello Buddies, back after a LONG time! Was sick last week and so had to cover up for the sick leaves! Am back to normal, I guess ;-) A couple of days back I met Sushmita Sen! Yes the former Miss Universe, 1994! She was staying at resort at an hour's drive from Pune. My sister had contacts with the person in-charge of the resort who asked her if she was interested in seeing her personally! She jumped to her feet and asked me (along with other cousins) to join in. I, of course, was too reluctant to spend my Sunday leisure time waiting to see any celebrity (of course unless she were Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron). But I joined and I tell you, a few hours' wait was worth it. She's a VERY soft spoken person and shows no ego. And GOD DAMN ... she looks so SSSSSSSWEET!!! Here's one snap that I want to share with you guys!
Envy me ...

wow :) with sushmita sen :) cool.. :) how do u always manage to grab such kind of apportunities :)
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